This study series is a transformative journey delving into profound truths that transcend the ordinary, guiding you to a deep understanding of God’s Kingdom, unraveling Jesus’ central message (The Kingdom of Heaven), and underscoring the critical need for the church to align with God’s eternal purpose of extending His kingdom over the earth.
Course Information
Categories: Bible Study
As we explore our identity as sons of God, saints with divine purposes, and ambassadors of that kingdom, the study emphasizes the vital connection between prosperity and purpose within our Kingdom assignment. Gain clarity on how Kingdom citizenship fosters unity among the body of Christ and aligns with our mission to love God, love people, and serve.
This series is a foundation for comprehending the essence of your identity, appointment, purpose, and diplomatic mission in various life spheres while serving others. Join us on this enriching exploration, internalize the Kingdom message, and actively live out our mission, becoming ambassadors who bring the influence of God’s Kingdom into every aspect of our lives.
Genesis chapters one to three tell the story about how Adam and Eve lost dominion over the earth when disobeying God’s mandate of not to eat from the good and evil fruit in Eden, coursing the whole creation and themselves into an agonizing life of decadence and death. –Romans 8:20-23
Since then, the whole bible becomes a developing timeline of God’s plan to restore his dominion over the earth through mankind (men and women) as his kingdom. The promise contained on the prophecies of a coming king to establish an eternal throne on earth, became into reality when Jesus appeared in human history as the chosen one to establish The Kingdom of God, and pass its dominion to God’s children, to continue the expansion of the kingdom.
This study series is a transformative journey delving into profound truths that transcend the ordinary, guiding you to a deep understanding of God’s Kingdom, unraveling Jesus’ central message (The Kingdom of Heaven), and underscoring the critical need for the church to align with God’s eternal purpose of extending his kingdom over the earth. As we explore our identity as sons of God, saints with divine purposes, and ambassadors of that kingdom, the study emphasizes the vital connection between prosperity and purpose within our Kingdom assignment. Gain clarity on how Kingdom citizenship fosters unity among the body of Christ and aligns with our mission to love God, love people, and serve.
This series is a foundation for comprehending the essence of your identity, appointment, purpose, and diplomatic mission in various life spheres while serving others. Join us on this enriching exploration, internalize the Kingdom message, and actively live out our mission, becoming ambassadors who bring the influence of God’s Kingdom into every aspect of our lives. After each section, you will find a reflecting session with questions for you to think about what we just studied. As a recommendation, find a way to create a journal where you can write down your thoughts and answers. At the end, you will be able to compare your initial thoughts and ideas and realize how much you have grown in knowledge about yourself and how God see you through Christ, as a citizen of his heavenly kingdom.
Embark on this Kingdom Series Bible Study with an open heart, allowing these questions and scriptures to guide you into a deeper understanding of God’s Kingdom and your role within it.
Learning Objectives
Understanding Kingdom Identity: Participants will grasp the biblical foundation of their identity as sons and daughters of God, exploring key scriptures that affirm their position and purpose in the Kingdom.
Embarking on the Ambassadorial Journey: Learners will delve into the metaphor of ambassadors in the Kingdom, recognizing both the privileges and responsibilities associated with representing God’s Kingdom on Earth.
Heavenly Perks and Prosperity: Participants will gain insights into the divine authorization bestowed upon believers, exploring the connection between prosperity and purpose in the context of the Kingdom’s mission.
Navigating Distractions and Religious Influences: The study will equip individuals to identify and avoid common distractions within religious practices, fostering an understanding of how human nature can be exploited by religion, hindering the fulfillment of the Kingdom mission.
Engaging in Spiritual Warfare: Participants will acknowledge the reality of spiritual warfare, understanding the battleground, recognizing contrary thoughts, and equipping themselves with spiritual weapons to actively contribute to the advancement of God’s Kingdom.
Initial Reflecting Session
Use the following scripture verses and reflecting questions as a self-preparation for this study series. After reading each biblical scripture, reflect on your own answers and thoughts. For best learning results, take a notebook as a reflecting journal and write down your conclusions from these and other reflections along the series.
Identity and Purpose
Read this: Psalm 139:14 (NIV) – ” what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them. You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”
Reflecting Question: Considering the profound declaration in Psalm 8:4-9 and our appointment by God as ambassadors of His Kingdom, how can we translate our role as stewards and managers of creation into a representation that reflects the values and influence of God’s Kingdom to those around us?
Kingdom Citizenship
Read this: Philippians 3:20 (NIV) – “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Reflecting Question: In what ways does recognizing your citizenship in heaven influence your daily interactions and priorities?
Read this: 2 Corinthians 5:20 (NIV) – “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”
Reflecting Question: How can viewing yourself as Christ’s ambassador shape your approach to relationships and opportunities in your daily life?
Wealth and Purpose
Read this: Matthew 6:33 (NIV) – “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Reflecting Question: In what ways does seeking God’s Kingdom first align with the concept of prosperity and purpose in your life?
Mission of Love and Service
Read this: Mathew 11:11 (NIV) – “ Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”
Reflecting Question: How does the understanding of the kingdom’s hierarchy based on a mission of service inspire and guide your own mission to love God, love people, and serve in your community?
A Kingdom Aligned Life: Unveiling our Divine Identity and Purpose as The Church of God-Introduction
This study series is a transformative journey delving into profound truths that transcend the ordinary, guiding you to a deep understanding of God’s Kingdom, unraveling Jesus’ central message (The Kingdom […]
Lesson 2: A Kingdom-Aligned Life-Understanding Our Identity in Christ
Living the Kingdom of God happens in three main stages: Knowledge of the kingdom and its principles, realization, and understanding of those principles, and the manifestation of the kingdom culture […]
Lesson 3: A Kingdom-Aligned Life-Embracing the divine purpose inherent in our identity
This phrase signifies the acknowledgment of a higher calling and intentionality woven into our existence. It communicates the idea that our identity is not arbitrary but intricately connected to a […]
Lesson 4: A Kingdom-Aligned Life-Kingdom Economics: Impact Beyond Finances
Understanding divine authorization in the economic context involves acknowledging God’s provision for the expansion of His Kingdom. It extends beyond personal wealth to the economy of impact — the collective […]
Lesson 5: A Kingdom-Aligned Life-Understanding the Collective Impact of Kingdom Citizenship
The apostle Paul, in his profound teachings, employs the analogy of the body to vividly illustrate the interconnectedness of believers within the Kingdom. This analogy, found in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 […]
Lesson 6: A Kingdom-Aligned Life-Distractions Caused by Religion
Religious practices, while well-intentioned, can sometimes become distractions from the core mission of the Kingdom. Peter’s reaction during the transfiguration, expressed in his suggestion to build three tents (Matthew 17:1-8), […]